*Diagnostic Assessments are available through B&A, contact our office for more information.
*Beginning July 1, 2009; Brooks & Associates Youth and Family Services, LLC will provide
Community Support Service from 100% One-to-One Qualified Mental Health Professionals.
*B&A Personnel will participate in the 2009 WIA Young Adult Conference being held
at North Brunswick High School, June 19, 2009.
*Upcoming Personnel Training: Training is being scheduled for classes such as CPR,
First Aide, NCI, Service Definitions, Bloodborne Pathogens, Drug Administration, & Confidentiality . For more information
contact office.
* Therapy Appointments are available each Wednesday in Shallotte office. Call Office for
an appointment.
Employment/Contractual Opportunities
is accepting applications & resumes for Contractual Part-time/Full-time Qualified Mental Health Professionals, Contractual
Part-time/Full-time Licensed Professional Counselors, Personal Care/CAP RN and Personal Care/CAP In-Home Assistants, Experienced
Level III Residential Group Home & Day Treatment Staff
to fill positions in Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, Lenoir, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, Scotland, Sampson, & Wayne Counties.
Submit Resume with cover letter to brooksandassociates@atmc.net or fax to 910.755.2422.
B&A is seeking to fill positions for the following services:
Afterschool Programming & Referral
Community Support Service
Intensive In Home
Targeted Case Management
CAP Waiver : Supported Employment, Respite, Home & Community Support, & Personal Care
Level III Residential Group Home
Substance Abuse Counselor;
Day Treatment
& Home Health (Personal Care)
B&A YFS * 4450 Main Street * Shallotte * NC * 28470