Brooks & Associates Youth and Family Services

Afterschool/Out-of-School Time

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Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
MH/DD Services
MH/DD: Pg 2 & CAP
CAP Waiver Services
Secondary Services: Nursing & Professional Services
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United Communities/Churches Assistance Network-UCAN!



Serving Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender,

Sampson, Columbus Counties

UCAN is a service bringing together  afterschool providers, faith/community-based organizations, community leaders, and policy makers to build a network that addresses the programs that keep children safe, foster academic performance and healthy social/emotional and physical development..


Click here for Tool Box.


Afterschool Ambassadors Emeritus



UCAN is an alliance committed to advancing the quality and accessibility of after school programming. This program provides news and information, including the latest fax alerts, professional development opportunities, and resources  to implement, enhance or expand out-of-school  time programming.   UCAN provides activities and opportunities to School-Age Children & Youth such a field trips, participation in Youth Summits, Science Labs,  Summer Camps and a host of variety of activities to fully captivate inquisitive young minds.


B&A YFS * 4450 Main Street * Shallotte * NC * 28470