Brooks & Associates Youth and Family Services

MH/DD Services Continued & CAP

Our Services
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
MH/DD Services
MH/DD: Pg 2 & CAP
CAP Waiver Services
Secondary Services: Nursing & Professional Services
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 UPLIFT - Intensive In-Home Services

 UPLIFT (Unification Practices that Lift & Illuminate Family Team)

Serving Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, Lenoir, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland & Wayne Counties


This is a time-limited intensive family preservation intervention
intended to stabilize the living arrangement, promote
reunification or prevent the utilization of out-of-home
therapeutic resources (i.e., psychiatric hospital, therapeutic
foster care, residential treatment facility) for the identified
youth through the age of 20.
This intervention uses a team approach designed to address
the identified needs of children and adolescents who are
transitioning from out of home placements or are at risk of
out-of-home placement and need intensive interventions to
remain stable in the community. Team services are individually
designed for each family, in full partnership with the family, to
minimize intrusion, and maximize independence.


To Schedule An Appointment, Click Here!

CAP Services
Community Alternative Program is intended to promote community living and independence by providing appropriate MR/DD healthcare and support services based on individual needs.
Within a PCP, individuals will have:

Meaningful input into the design and planning of the service.

Information about services, how to access them and how to voice complaints.

Easy, immediate access to appropriate services.

Education, employment or vocational experiences that encourage

Individual growth, personal responsibility and enjoyment of life.

Safe and humane living condition in communities of their choice.

Reduced involvement in the judicial system.

Services that prevent and resolve crisis.

Opportunities to participate in community life, to pursue relationships with others and to make choices that enhance their productivity, well being and quality of life.

An unified plan



To Schedule An Appointment, Click Here!!

B&A YFS * 4450 Main Street * Shallotte * NC * 28470