Brooks & Associates Youth and Family Services

MH/DD Services

Our Services
Afterschool/Out-of-School Time
MH/DD Services
MH/DD: Pg 2 & CAP
CAP Waiver Services
Secondary Services: Nursing & Professional Services
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 ASPIRE - Community Support

 Serving Brunswick, Pender & New Hanover Counties



ASPIRE Program provides Community Support Services to youth exhibiting behavioral problems such as: under achievement in school, truancy, fighting, verbal and physical aggression,  self harm, not following rules, stealing, drug abuse, juvenile justice, gang involvement and defying authority.  Common mental health diagnoses include ADD/ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Bipolar Mood Disorder. Through therapeutic interventions and a positive relationship with our consumers, we hope to achieve the goals stated in each individual’s treatment plan.  Group therapy with children, along with one-on-one individual counseling will be implemented by trained professionals and a Licensed Clinical Director to ensure appropriate treatment plans are current at all times.  B&A provides 75+% One-on-one Associate/Qualified Professional services to people with support. Services will be delivered out in the community to promote growth and independence for our youth in need. Our desire is through these efforts; our people we support have a positive experience with a solid foundation that will sharpen their skills in making good decisions resulting in productive young adults.


For An Appointment Click Here!


INSPIRE Program - Targeted Case Management

Serving Brunswick, New Hanover, & Pender Counties


INSPIRE provides Targeted Case Management to children and youth, individuals with developmental disabilities to allow our consumers the opportunity to reach their highest level of potential. Targeted Case Management is a service designed to: 
1. Assess/Assist a recipient in locating needed services,
2. Coordinate the delivery of those services, and
3. Monitor the adequacy of therapeutic interventions.


This is an indirect service where the case manager arranges, coordinates, and monitors services on behalf of recipients with developmental disabilities. B&A Youth and Family Services assumes the roles of advocacy, broker, coordinator, and monitor of the service delivery system on behalf of the people we support.


For An Appointment, Click Here!

B&A YFS * 4450 Main Street * Shallotte * NC * 28470